Chris - December 2, 2009
Hello everyone! Our sincerest apologies for the break in comics on MildlyHotPeppers. Dan and I are currently very busy with college apps and other senior year business, so we’ve had little time to devote to making comics. I’m setting a personal goal to get back to work at around New Year’s, when everything has settled down a bit. In the mean time, however, I’ll be uploading some sketches I’ve done. Thanks to those who support us and once again, we apologize for the lack of updates!
Gone for a few days
Chris - August 18, 2009
Heyo, I’ll be on vacation for 10 days so I’m gonna be missing a few comics. Sorry!
Dan and Anthony are still here though, so it’s cool.
Happy Anniversary, MHP!
Josh - December 18, 2008
As Chris mentioned, today’s the one year anniversary of MildlyHotPeppers (in reference to the first comic, posted on September 18). Time seems to have passed so quickly – I didn’t even realize it had been one year until he reminded me a few days ago! It’s been a great year, and many thanks go out to our dedicated readers – enjoy the comics!
RSS Update
Josh - December 3, 2008
Ahhh RSS!
Hey folks – I’ve gotten quite a few emails from readers about the broken RSS feed. Terribly sorry about that – the short answer is, subscribe to the original feedburner feed at http://feeds.feedburner.com/mildlyhotpeppers/, and you’ll be good to go.
The long answer – when switching servers, I had to update the CNAME records as well. The host I use doesn’t allow me to set my own, so I had to send in a ticket for feeds.mildlyhotpeppers.com to be usable instead of feeds.feedburner.com. (The difference is really minor – the main domain is just different.) For some reason, the ticket I sent disappeared, and I had forgotten about it for a week or so.
So again, sorry about the feeds not working and all – subscribe to http://feeds.feedburner.com/mildlyhotpeppers/ instead.
Server Changes
Josh - November 21, 2008
You (hopefully) didn’t notice, but I just changed servers too. I’m proud to say that there doesn’t seem to have been any hiccups (yet), and the transition seemed to have gone smoothly.
Just a heads up, though – I may have missed something, in which case I’d appreciate it if you could send me an email (josh@mildlyhotpeppers.com) or kindly ignore it.
That’ll be all.
Arrival of Dan
Chris - September 3, 2008
So Dan’s part of the crew now. He’s going to be updating on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Three Weekdays a Week
Chris - August 5, 2008
Heyo! So lately, with summer and all, I’ve become rather and don’t have enough time to make five comics a week. From now until probably a few months from now, it’ll be three a week.
Happy 200th Comic, MildlyHotPeppers!
Josh - August 2, 2008
Today marks the date the 200th comic was made! Enjoy the “festivities” – personally, I like the cake best.
Updates by RSS, Email, and Carrier Pigeon
Josh - July 14, 2008
If you haven’t noticed, you can subscribe to our RSS feed with your favorite RSS reader (Sage for Firefox, FeedDemon, built-in reader for Thunderbird, and OwlRSS are a few) to get updates sent right to you. As an alternative, you can now also subscribe by email to have it sent to your inbox.
I lied about the carrier pigeon. Sorry.
Archive Update
Josh - July 9, 2008
Woo…change in archive design. Nothing major, just categorized the comics by month. It does look snazzy, though. (Enjoy.)
Spore Creators Have Too Much Time
Josh - June 24, 2008
So I was Stumble-ing the other day, and I came upon http://www.geekanerdblog.com/2008/06/spore-creatures-that-look-like-stuff.html.
What the heck?
Some people have quite some time on their hands. What’s interesting, though, is that Spore manages to make each recreation sicklier and creepier. Although I guess the creators of the creatures are to blame for that.
I especially like the xBox controller – I wonder what it looks like when it’s moving?
Josh - June 12, 2008
Well we organized a strike force, found their hideout, tear gassed our way in, fought them in a grueling to-the-death brawl, and retrieved Chris! He’s locked in our dungeons now, with only his laptop and a piece of bread. Let’s see those kidnappers try it again.
(We had originally planned for Chris to be unable to make comics for the next week or so, but apparently he can now find time. Rejoice!)
Uh oh.
Chris got kidnapped; he’ll be back on Wednesday. Sorry!
Josh - June 10, 2008
The new theme is up and at it! I’ve made it a whole lot simpler, cleaner, and shinier. There’s still some kinks to be worked out, so bear with us.
(By the way – if you’ve been avidly checking the site while I was developing, some things might look funky. Try a server-refresh (ctrl+shift+r) to get things rolling again.)
Site Experimentation and Revamp
Chris - June 6, 2008
For those of you who actually scroll down occasionally to check these posts, we’ve got news! Josh is currently working on a new site design in the constant effort to make this site as great and aesthetically pleasing as possible. You might notice a few slight changes with the comic bar and junk if you’re keen on that kind of stuff. Anyway, he’s told me that he’ll probably finish the design near the end of June (I doubt it – he usually just says stuff so I won’t bother him) so don’t be surprised if you visit one day and SHABAM! the site looks completely different.
If you’ve got any questions, comments, or suggestions for the new site, don’t hesitate to email me at chris@mildlyhotpeppers.com. I’ve actually begun to check the inbox, shifting ever so slightly away from my @google.com email account.
We’ve done it!
Chris - April 9, 2008
Today’s comic marks number 100! Landmark achievement. Now to crank out a few thousand more.
Free Emails!
Josh - February 24, 2008
I’m proud to announce that we are now letting people sign up for mildlyhotpeppers.com emails! We use Google Apps, so by signing up you get access to an email service almost identical to Gmail, email by Google.
Features include:
- Huge amounts of inbox space – personally, “You are currently using 52 MB (0%) of your 6450 MB.”
- Google Talk – use your mildlyhotpeppers.com for it as well!
- IMAP and PO3 support – check your email from any desktop client.
- And all the other features that Gmail has!
Not only that, but you’ll also get access to other Google services such as Documents, Start Pages, Calendar, and Web Pages. You can always get these from Google for free, so I don’t really emphasize them too much.
In short, we’re letting people get Gmail using mildlyhotpeppers.com. Since we don’t have that many users at the moment, all the good usernames are still available.
To get one, email me at josh(at)mildlyhotpeppers(dot)com and I’ll send you instructions on how to get started.
New Layout
Josh - February 21, 2008
The old one was just too colorful, in my opinion. In a gross way. I think this new one’s cleaner and brighter. And I think the layout shows up right in all the browsers now. Maybe? Probably not. It’s a start, anyways.
Super Tuesday Unfolds
Josh - February 5, 2008
This probably isn’t the place to put this, but what the heck. As everyone (maybe not) in the United States knows, today is the day where 24 states hold caucuses or primary elections – most likely a deciding night for many candidates. Obama versus Clinton versus Gravel on the Democratic side, and Romney versus Huckabee versus McCain versus Paul on the Republican side.
I’m excited.
Josh - January 25, 2008
Speaking of new things (you’ll see tomorrow, or in an hour and fifteen minutes), notice the oh-so-gorgeous comic browser! Give it a whirl – find a comic (like today’s, maybe?) and click the “Use the Comic Browser” link. Bam! The slick Javascript-ified browser pops up, allowing you to scroll through all the comics. Eventually that may be too much and it might later be reduced to just a list, but for now it’s everything. (Try the up and down buttons, and notice how you can rapidly click down, for example, to go through them.) Click on a comic to go to its page, or press close or tap ESC on your keyboard to close the window.
It’s still a tad buggy – afterwards the Flash banner disappears. For now, you’ll have to use the sidebar to navigate. I’ll see if I can through in a auto-refresh or something to bring the banner back. (And for those of you who happen to be looking at a nasty, not-up-to-date image map ’cause you don’t have Flash, I apologize. I’ll try to bring the non-Flash version of the banner up to date later.)
Yayyyy…Product Replacement!
Anthony - January 23, 2008
Hey everybody, just letting everyone know that I got a tablet today…a Wacom Bamboo *hint-hint*
It works great and it also means that my comics will be less crappily drawn…hopefully.
But yea. Just letting y’all know.
To the right, to the right…
Josh - January 19, 2008
I’ve added a snazzy sidebar, complete with register and log-in links as well as shortcuts to access the archives by month or by day. (Feel free to sign up – since the site runs on WordPress, registration is through that.)
More noticeably, some colors have been changed around as well.
Look forward to some spiffy extras, under construction and coming soon!
Website Issues
Josh - January 17, 2008
I’ve recently noticed how butt ugly the site looks in different browsers, specifically Safari (the fonts are weird and the background image doesn’t show up) and Internet Explorer (something funky happens with the floating divs and the posts go way below the comics and movies boxes). I’m not really sure why this happens, and I’m working on it. I designed the site using Firefox and I didn’t really bother checking it with other browsers, so that’s what happens at the end.
Also, it seems like something weird happens with the JavaScript and the navigation buttons don’t really work. I’m on that too. As a temporary solution, however, note that the comics’URLs are in ascending order, so from http://www.mildlyhotpeppers.com/comics/21/ to get to the next comic you could change the number from 21 to 22: http://www.mildlyhotpeppers.com/comics/22. I realize how painful this must be, but bear with me. I’ll get it fixed as soon as I can.
As a last though, I’d just like to suggest that everyone should switch to Firefox.
Especially with the development of Firefox 3, where many memory leaks have been fixed. It complies the best with the web standards, is fast, customizable, yada yada. It’s just a suggestion – get it here.
An Abberation from the Norm
Josh - January 14, 2008
I realize that today’s comic is a tad different from the normal ones…I blame it on Calvin, who happens to be neither Chris, Anthony, nor I. So it all works out.
I definitely lol-ed though.
Go ahead.
Chris - January 11, 2008
As you may or may not have noticed (c’mon, you totally did), as part of our site revamp, Josh added a nifty little comment section below each one of the posts and comics. This means that if you think something’s funny or you have to tell us about how pertinent our stuff is to your life, don’t be afraid to leave a comment. We’d like to see the many faces and voices of our visitors.
Go ahead. Click that ‘No comments yet’ button!
MildlyHotPeppers, Revamped
Josh - January 8, 2008
That’s right, folks. MildlyHotPeppers has been revamped, and it’s back to its theme from the golden days. (That means around September.) Originally MildlyHotVideo, then MildlyHotComics, it is now MildlyHotPeppers. Comics are updated daily, with Chris on the weekdays and Anthony on the weekends. Movies will be added to sporadically.
On the other hand, the old MildlyHotPeppers is now back to MildlyHotBlog, found at http://blog.mildlyhotpeppers.com/. It’s not abandoned, per say, but I will post less frequently.
That’s it for now – enjoy the comics!
Welcome, Anthony!
Josh - January 5, 2008
A warm welcome to Anthony, the new contributing artist. He’ll be updating on weekends, so Chris can take a break. The poor kid doesn’t have an icon and etc set up yet, so he’ll be posting later.
Enjoy the comic! (And yes, that means we’ll be updating daily now.)
Happy New Year!
Josh - January 1, 2008
Happy New Year! Enjoy the new comic, although I guess it’s too late to be of any help.
Comics, Now Every Weekday
Josh - December 30, 2007
It seems that Chris hasn’t mentioned the updates yet, so I’m taking the liberty of doing so.
If you haven’t noticed, comics are up and running – we (meaning Chris) plan on updating every weekday. (That means not on weekends.) For RSS fans out there, you can find the feed here.
Videos are taking a break for now…Flash content is just too time consuming.
As a last note, anyone notice the snazzy icons to the left? Images courtesy of Chris, code courtesy of me. It’s nothing much, but heck I think it’s snazzy.
Chris - November 6, 2007
Josh thinks his blog is so great with all that stuff about technology and Google and stuff, so I talk about stuff too. Adam Phillips has just released his latest flash animation Waterlollies. He’s been working on it for more than a year and it’s probably the best flash animation I’ve ever seen.
Now what the hell does that have to do with MildlyHotPeppers? Just shut up and click the link.
Happy Halloween!
Chris - October 31, 2007
Alright, after almost a whole month of work, I’ve finally finished my Halloween animation. Before you watch it, dim the lights and turn up the volume. It adds to the effect. Ooh.